
How To Make Dyed Deviled Eggs

How To Make Dyed Deviled Eggs


Dyed Deviled Eggs

I saw a picture of these on Pinterest and really had to try them. I’m not sure if we did them right since the picture didn’t have a link or the recipe but hey nothing wrong with just winging it.

Deviled Eggs

All you need are hard-boiled eggs, your favorite deviled egg recipe, water, food coloring, and several cups or small containers of water.

How to Dye Deviled Eggs

We lined a cookie sheet with paper towels to drain ours on.

Slice and remove the yolk from the eggs

You can go ahead and use the yolks to make your favorite Deviled Egg recipe.

Get your containers and put about 1 cup of water in them.

Add 5 -6 drops of Food coloring to the water and mix them up.

Place your halved egg white in the dye. Let them sit until they are the desired color.

Once they are the color you are wanting to remove and place on your paper towel-lined cookie sheet. Allow them to dry a bit and then fill them with your Deviled Egg mixture.

Place in the fridge to chill until ready to serve.

Enjoy your colorful Dyed Deviled Eggs.

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Scavenger Hunt

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